Superior Library offers Graphology Presentation by Ter Scott

Ter Scott’s “Power of the Pen” shows how Graphology can change your writing to make you rich

SUPERIOR, Wisconsin - October 1st, 2014 -Ter Scott, Graphologist and “Handwriting Interpreter”, ™ explains how making small changes in the way you write, can give you a richer and fuller life!

Scott’s 60 Minute Presentation, The Power of the Pen; Change Your Writing to Change Your Life, will be presented at the Superior Public Library on Thursday, October 9th at 6:30 p.m. and admission is free. “The technical term for this science of changing your writing to change your life”, states Scott, “is Grapho-Therapy, and I will show you how your writing is holding you back and what changes you can make to positively change your future. You can increase your self-esteem, your concentration, and more; even your paycheck!” The audience will participate in actual live demonstrations with each attendee receiving a free individual handwriting analysis.

Scott’s clients include United Way, Hallmark, Irresistible Ink, Women Rock and numerous business events, including doing hundreds of handwriting analyses for private individuals.
Scott is currently writing a book with the same title of this presentation.

For more information, please contact program Director at Superior Public Library: 715-394-8860.

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