Highlighting TWIN PORTS LIFE DOT COM Advertiser: Poplar Auto

I'm pleased to see that Poplar Auto is advertising in Twin Ports Life DOT Com

I've known the owners for a very long time as they've continually ordered imprinted promotional products from me throughout the years such as advertising calendars, pens etc. I remember years ago when I had to handwrite all the orders and my capital “L” looked like a capital “C” so when they got their pens, instead of the imprint being: POPLAR AUTO, it was “POPCAR AUTO”. Because they had given so many away before noticing the error, and having many people saving the pens because they thought that it would be a “keepsake” someday they didn’t make me redo the order. I’m thinking that they are just great people.

That’s probably why they’ve been in business now for over 25 years! Wow, that is a milestone. I know they do great work too. Poplar is not far from the Twin Ports and I know many people who live in Poplar and work in Superior or Duluth so when you need collision repair enjoy a short drive and get the work done there. 

Here’s a link to their website. Tell ‘em Ter Scott sent you! 

You can see their ad at www.twinportslife.com/autos and also on the Announcement/Events page.