UFO, Unidentified Funding Object; for your business

Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival Details

The Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival is celebrating 14 years of hard work, paddling, camaraderie and dedication to raising funds for area charitable and worthy organizations.  Go to the official site; CLICK HERE. 

"Everyone paddles in a way that fits a certain part of the boat," Lincoln said. "You want certain types of people in certain places." READ MORE

The race was today and my daughter texted me and told me that they came in 5th and her coach was very happy with the result. I texted back stating the "... so is her Dad". 

Get Discounts and Cash Back at hundreds of stores in and around Twin Ports. 

Dunkin' Donuts, Duluth MN; review by Ter Scott

Dunkin' Donuts 104 W Central Entrance, Duluth, MN 55811 (218) 522-4530

I finally noticed there were a few empty parking spaces at the new Dunkin' Donuts in Duluth this morning so I thought I’d change my usual breakfast routine and pull in. I’ve heard so many good things and knew from my experiences with those in the cities (or maybe elsewhere in my road trips) that they had great sandwiches along with the usual sweet delicacies.

As I walked to the door a crew member was sweeping outside, welcomed me and held the door open; now that’s an invitation. I stood at the end of the aisle where one places their order and asked a redheaded angel if she had ordered yet and she confessed that no, and this was her first time here and she was deciding so I could go ahead of her. I stated that this too was my first time and we stood there together both with glazed eyes looking into a vast array of glazed donuts and more. I know she was an angel because I found out that even though it was her day off that she was here to buy some goodies and take them to her less fortunate workmates who had to work.

I eventually placed my order; a turkey wrap, hash browns and coffee. When asked what size of coffee I wanted I asked if there were refills and was told that no, well really there was but for 99 cents. I opted for a large and a long John with chocolate frosting.

While waiting for my order I noticed that the work crew were very upbeat, and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I stated to the redhead while we waited, “They must have wifi because I see people with laptops”. She stated, “Yes, but not much seating”. She then wondered out loud, “I wonder when they open in the morning”. I noticed a man wearing a blue shirt that was unlike the others and deduced that this must be the owner or manager. I caught his attention and asked when they open each morning. “We open at six; six to ten everyday” was his friendly reply. I jested back, “Oh you only work four hours then, six to ten a.m.?” He replied that actually most of their business is probably between six and ten in the morning, for sure. My order was then ready; I took the bag and found a seat.

Looking around, I saw plenty of open tables and seats as most people seem to get their orders “to go”. I would use one word to describe how busy the business was, “steady”. As soon as someone would place an order and walk to the pickup area, one, two or three people would walk in the door to take his or her place.

My first bite of my meal was one of the hash browns and immediately I was very impressed; these actually have flavor! Unlike most fast food places that serve hash browns which taste like “potato” these actually had seasoning. These were something to write about! The turkey with bacon between flatbread was substantial and tasty but not overly spectacular. I took the lid off my coffee to let it cool and pleasantly found that it was filled to the very brim. That was nice!

I continued to sit and enjoy my breakfast in a very nice and clean environment while watching other patrons come and go and some sitting with families enjoying themselves.

After eating my hash browns and sandwich, I tore the bag that held my long John at the bottom. I wished that they had put it in some kind of tray (like a hotdog tray) so one would not have to reach way down into a bag to retrieve it. I tore the bag all the way down to avoid losing the chocolate being smeared on its inside.

The long John was “good” and fresh but I wouldn’t expect anything less. I can’t say that this was anything “spectacular” either. With all the other bakeries that put out a great product in our local area (including the big chain grocery stores) I was thinking that this long John would have some sort of heavenly “glow” to it or angels would sing when I bit into it, but no; it was much like those I have bought at a grocery store; you know, the super one.

Finally, I’m sitting there finishing my coffee and trying to determine how the coffee tasted to me. The coffee was hot and more in quantity than expected but in the flavor department, there was nothing that “stood out”. It was “OK”.

You are probably thinking after reading this that my rating for Dunkin Donuts is not high or that I really didn’t enjoy my experience. On the contrary, it was very enjoyable. I would rate it maybe 8 out of 10; it’s just that I was expecting that out of a rating of 1 to 10 that I would rate it a 12 or more! I will continue to visit and try different things and compare pricing with other fast food places next time. This is only my thoughts from my first visit. I recommend that if you’ve not visited here yet, that you do so. It really is a fun place. Then let me know what you think in the comments below.
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New Networking Group opens soon to Twin Ports Business

New Business
Networking Group
to start in
Twin Ports

 Lyoness/Lyconet is a company that was started in Austria in 2003 and has grown in Europe to startling numbers. Today, Lyconet is expanding in the USA. It joins consumers with local small businesses through a very unique marketing program which uses a “loyalty” card that brings the two together. Consumers save and actually make money with every purchase. In return the small business gets more business from current customers, gets new customers and gets an additional revenue stream that stays with the owner when the business is sold!  

We are forming a Lyoness Networking Group (LNG)in the TWIN PORTS.

What will this be like? Imagine absolutely any type of networking group you’ve heard of, but ON STEROIDS!!!  Imagine being with all the local Lyoness merchants in one room so you could meet and refer customers to each other!  Imagine you as a business owner meeting with Lyconet marketers (those who assist in setting all of this up; yes we are looking for builders and marketers too) who can refer other marketers and members to your Lyoness businesses!  You don’t need a big imagination to see this could be really big!

Once we have several business owners interested, we will announce kick-off (informational) meetings, one at noon and one at 530 on two different days; right here in Hayward.

If you are serious about improving your bottom line with less work and by using your marketing dollars more wisely, take just 11 minutes to watch this informative video. Then 888-TWENTYFOUR 1-FORTY 31 to get more information. This is time sensitive! Here’s the video: www.solutionpack.info.

Don’t delay. Lyconet is taking business marketing, and consumer/business relationships with increasing profitability to a very new level! It’s already big in the cities, let’s do it here too! If you are a merchant interested in details about the kickoff and possibly being a local Lyconet community business, a person interested in being a builder/marketer and help us get this going, or you simply want your free shopping card (good at many big box type stores and soon to have many local small businesses added), please call and leave your name, phone number and email address. Someone will get back to you in a few days. Call National Message Center: 888-TWENTYFOUR 1-FORTY 31.