Duluth Businesses Celebrate Anniversaries at Twin Ports Life DOT COM

Hi, this is Ter Scott and welcome to the “good happenings” this month in the Twin Ports. Be sure to click on our blog link and read about the events that are happening this month and yes, be sure to visit our advertisers and tell them you appreciate them and what they mean to our community. Also if you like photography or love to write, we can sure use you to help with this site. Just click on the “We’re Looking for Writers” box at the right or simply use our contact form.

Well, this month I have a question for you.

Do businesses celebrate birthdays or anniversaries?

Either way, if your business is celebrating a milestone of being in business 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 or more years, we want to help you tell the Twin Ports about it!

You’ll get a listing on our Business Anniversary page for just a buck or choose to have both a listing and a link to your company website for just two bucks (which goes to charity).

Next, we’ll run a free ad for a full three months at no cost to you! Yes, there is a catch to getting your free ad to be displayed in full view of the many monthly visitors to Twin Ports Life. Here it is! You just have to email us saying what you’ve done in the past to celebrate a company anniversary and what you plan to do this time; that’s it! Just go to our page: www.twinportslife.com/businessanniversary to get your listing and you’ll see details there about getting your free ad!
Who would you choose for the Twin Ports "Person of the Month"? "Business of the Month"? "Non-Profit of the Month"?

Finally, our intent here at Twin Ports Life is to promote “good happenings” and here’s your chance to get involved. Do you know of someone you’d like to suggest as the “Twin Ports Person” of the month; the “Twin Ports Company” of the month, and/or the “Twin Ports Non-Profit” of the month? Each month we will review suggested candidates from your submissions, select one from each category and contact them to be interviewed for Twin Ports Life. They will be highlighted with their Twin Ports Life page, a mention in our blog, and possibly promoted elsewhere such as YouTube and a local cable channel. To submit your suggested candidate(s) please use our general contact form and state your suggested person, company or nonprofit giving your “why” in just two sentences. Leave us your email so we can get back to you.

That’s it for this month.

Make it a great day!


PS. The voiceover for Twin Ports Life DOT COM is “yours truly”. I’d be glad to create “voice” for your website, or other company need. Get more information at my site: www.terscott.com/voice.