Twin Ports Life offers Information to July Tourists

THIS MONTH AT: Twin Ports Life DOT COM      July/August 2013

Its July every one, and things are hot! Use the links at the right to connect to sites that tell you what is going on around the Twin Ports. If you own a business within 200 miles of Duluth and Superior you qualify to advertise at reduced rates on these pages! Use our contact us page to have a salesrep show you just how cost effective advertising on Twin Ports Life can be!

Do you know a business that is just starting and or could use an “advertising lift”? Tell us why you think they should have a free ad (use our contact page form) and if selected we’ll not only give them a free ad but do a nice write up on our blog!

We’re still looking for writers and can always use more advertisers to continue funding this website. If you are a writer, put that pen down and click on the blue “writers” box at the upper right of the page at the site. If you’ve got an event or announcement such as: LOST & FOUND, GARAGE SALE, FSBO, FREE STUFF, WEDDINGS OR MILITARY ANNOUNCEMENTS, SCHOOL/COLLEGE OR BIRTHS ANNOUNCEMENTS sprint on over (faster than a Grandma’s Marathon runner) to the appropriate page on our site and let us know; we’ll publish it FREE! And, if you have a business, tell our visitors for cheap, cheap, cheap (like the sound you hear from all of those little chicks at Dan’s Feed Bin in Superior!).

Also, we’d love to hear from you with your comments at any time.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott

“Everything Twin Ports Since 2006”