J Cash Lives at Women Rock in Duluth MN

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This year I will be performing a Johnny Cash Tribute at Women Rock (Rockin' for a Reason
Saturday, November 2nd, 2013
details here: http://www.charterwomenrock.com/duluth-rockin-for-a-reason.html). I’ve always been a Johnny Cash fan and I will do a musical montage of songs by the Man in Black for all of the Rockin’ attendees at this great event to raise awareness and money to fight breast cancer. 

I want to do something more for this great event for all of my IMPRINTED PROMOTIONAL ITEM customers; when you purchase any promotional item that is “fighting cancer” related, 50% of my commission will go to Women Rock on any Cancer Awareness related item or for any imprinted item when you mention Women Rock! (Sorry, this is for new customers only). To order imprinted items, visit: www.myimprintrep.com/123order and flip thru our online catalog!

Watch my latest YouTube video and hear my original Johnny Cash Tribute song. I wrote it with both Johnny Cash and his lead guitarist, Luther Perkins (the guy who created the “Johnny Cash” sound”) in mind. I made it sound as if Johnny had written it, and Luther had come up with the melody. Listen and see if it doesn’t take you back in time, and please leave your comments. I’m also looking for someone to record it professionally so if you are a “Nashville Star”, contact me! HERE’S THE YOUTUBE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWNYDRTZBxQ.