Front Page of June 2012 Twin Ports Life

Welcome to June in the Twin Ports.There’s plenty of summertime fun; even before the official 
summer solstice get to the Twin Ports on June 20th. 

Everyone is running either to Duluth or in Duluth this month. 
There is a cougar chase (let me clarify; it is the Congdon 
School Mascot run now in its fourth year which also includes 
the Kitty “K”; a short run just for kids). There is the Annual Garry 
Bjorklund Half Marathon, and the big one… the one that brings 
people from all over the world: 36th Annual Grandma’s 
Marathon with all of its festivities that go with it. 

If you like the Antique Road Show type of thing and don’t mind 
driving a bit south of the Twin Ports, Moose Lake Historical 
Area Society is offering an opportunity to have your antique 
appraised.  Later in the month, the St. Louis County Historical 
Society is having Antique Appraisal at the Depot.

Like to laugh or make people laugh? Sir Benedict's Tavern on 
the Lake, and 
Beaners Central Concert Coffeehouse have 
Open Mic nights.

Strolling around Canal Park is always fun, but now you can 
enjoy great art too. Check out Blue Lake Gallery, Sivertson's 
Gallery and Waters of Superior; all featuring special artists. .
June is Dad’s month so many places offer “Dad’s Day 
Specials”. Enjoy 
“Wild About Dad” at the zoo, and later at 
Zinema 2 enjoy a Father’s Day Brunch and the Duke on the big 

I know a bit about art, and I know what I like; and what I like is 
the Annual Park Point Art Fair. And I like Rhubarb when it’s 
converted from a pesky plant to a delicious pie at CHUM's 8th 
Annual Rhubarb Festival.  

As we say “farewell” to June, we can also wave to the 
Rhinestone Cowboy at his farewell tour at Big Top 

With that, I say “farewell” until next month. There is a more 
complete listing on the 
blog. Also use links to the right of 
places where you can get more information about anything 
Twin Ports. 

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